Welcome to Shadow Warrior Bujinkan Dojo Amersham.
Here we train in Bujinkan Ninjutsu as taught by 34th Grandmaster Dr Masaaki Hatsumi. Ninjutsu is a complete martial art featuring all aspects of self protection. We train with strikes, throws, locks and utilise both modern and historic weapons.
The Bujinkan curriculum comprise of nine different martial arts ryu or schools:
Togakure Ryū Ninpō Taijutsu
Gyokko Ryū Kosshijutsu
Kuki Shinden Ryū Happō Bikenjutsu
Koto Ryū Koppōjutsu
Shinden Fudo Ryū Dakentaijutsu
Takagi Yoshin Ryū Jūtaijutsu
Gikan Ryū Koppōjutsu
Gyokushin Ryū Ninpō
Kumogakure Ryū Ninpō
At the Shadow Warrior Bujinkan Dojo the training is approached from the perspective of 'Ancient Warrior, Modern Man'. This dual approach focuses both on the ancient martial traditions of the Bujinkan and their modern applications.
We do this via three avenues of learning:
Dojo training (held weekly)
Seminar training (weekend training held throughout the year)
Solo training (individual practice)